TANTRA - What's Inside The Mudha Dungeon?

It's patching time again for TANTRA. While I am writing this posting, at the same time I am updating my TANTRA. As announced by TANTRA Management, this patch (January 31, 2007 - Patch) is one of the biggest for this year. Mmmmm. Patience, Patience!
So what's behind this very big update?
--This Update is because of their new addition to the game which is the Mudha Dungeon.
I wonder what's inside that dungeon.
--We could expect numbers of stronger and poweful monsters inside the Mudha Dungeon. Some of them: Cali, The Dark One , Kramunchana - can control the wind , Damunchana- he can control the fire and lots of monsters.
But worry not. You can get new and high level weapons and armors from the Mudha Dungeon Update.
So Are You Ready To Rumble? For More Information about that Mudha Dungeon you may click this link http://www.tantra.ph/mudha/index.html .