While checking for the latest news about E-games Philippines , this caught my attention,

Yes! It's the E-gamer Loyalty Card.

Would it mean bonus e-points? Lots of Freebies? Or maybe a set of Computer?

I found no link regarding this E-gamer Loyalty Card so I hurriedly catch my phone and start dialing the Customer Service Line of E-games Phils.

To my surprise, the customer representative who answered my call doesn't know what privileges I could get from this card. And aside from that, the card is not yet available according to him.

Well I guess my eyes caught some dust and I can't read PROPERLY the statement on their ads which says, GET IT NOW!!

Well, anyways, the customer representative told me to wait for the DOM1NATION, which will be held on April 28, 2007 at Le Pavilion, Metropolitan Park. That day, according to him the cards will be given as well as the mechanics and the privileges loyal e-games followers will get. And That's three days from now.
