ROSE ONLINE - IS Now Free To Play

It seems there's a trend For Online Games going Free to Play.
Mmmm. Which Game should follow. I wish RF Online to be Free to Play too. And I wish too for Granado Espada which I think is Pay to Play. I think my wishing never failed for past years. Lol!
Last year, ABS-CBN's Tantra went Free To Play. And After such event, a surge of Tantra gamers increased. I can say that based on my observation at a nearby Internet Cafe.
Several games lauched this year are also following the same scheme; even the games for launch within this year.
To quote Level-up games statement:
"The decision to go Free to Play is an experimental setup in order to determine the viability of the free to play business model. This is a measure we are taking so that hopefully we do not suffer the same fate as that of kRose. jRose has already announced that they are continuing operations and we are planning to do the same, pending our negotiations with the developer and the result of this experiment with free to play. We hope you will show us your support."
I hope this move will energize Rose Online Community. If you want to try this out, here's the game official website